Last weekend's ride was downright pleasant, wasn't it? Amazing views through clear skies, temperate weather, passing friendly groups of fellow riders on the trail. That's why we love riding around these parts, right? Our bikes love it, too. Some might even say that our bikes have it too easy. So what happens, then, when you are born of ice, salted roads, freezing winds, and snow as far as you can make out? It might make you a bit tougher. It might force you to prepare yourself for anything. It might cause you to turn to the most metal of metals, like stainless steel and titanium. Well that’s exactly where Otso Cycles and Wolf Tooth Components hail from. A land of unforgiving punishment. A land… called Minnesota. Now we’re not saying that you neeeeed a bike that is capable of handling absolutely every manner of sick, twisted abuse you could possibly throw at it, but it doesn’t hurt to hedge your bets a bit, does it?